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ARA Damage Locator Diagram 

7-1/2″ x 8″ Mousepads

Keep your business name and phone numbers at their fingertips!

Pricing Each…

100 250 500 1000 2500

NR7 Barely There with ‘hard” thin .020″ tacky adhesive backing$2.95$2.87$2.66$2.58$2.20

BG7 Origin’L Fabric Surface with 1/8” Medium Duty Base$2.82$2.79$2.53$2.41$2.13

N87 Vynex Hard Surface with 1/8” Heavy Duty Base$3.89$3.80$3.75$3.275$2.87

Setup: $50.00
Shipping is additional.

Prices Subject to Change